v2.5 [Nov 25, 2020]
Added "Do not show this message again" option to the dialog shown when importing the IS Tool Pre and Post Compile sections
Fixed exception on close caused by the new debugger framework
v2.1 [May 2, 2013]
Added option to Options > Fonts and Colors section the allow modification of the editors caret color
Added option to Options > Fonts and Colors section the allow modification of the editors default font color when syntax highlighting is diabled
Added the following entries to the base English language file:
Additional commands have been added to the Plugin Interface
Added missing Pascel event functions to syntax highlighter
When closing an editor window and the debugger active, a message dialog will now be shown prompting to terminate the debugger process
Toolbars and Treeviews will now show larger icons on high DPI displays
Some minor internal changes have been made to the Scintilla Editor control
Changed the exception that was generated if a script being compiled had invlaid charaters. A error message dialog will now be shown and the compile process will be canceled
Fixed Pre/Post Compile Properties Dialog not correctly setting the Flags on an entry after exiting
Fixed issue with UI Language not being saved correctly
Fixed exception that was generated when Inno Setup was not available and the Messages property dialog tried to read the default Inno Setup messages file
Fixed an uncommon EOutOfMemory exception when loading scripts that used the ANSI encoding
v2.0 [Oct 6, 2012]
--Added support for Inno Setup 5.5.3
--Added progress dialog when importing registry files (*.reg)
--Added progress dialog when importing INI files (*.ini)
--Added progress dialog when importing message files (*.isl)
--Added progress dialog when importing files and folders
--Added ability to edit multiple entries simultaneously. All entries being edited must be of the same type
--Added convertion of Hex(2) values to string when importing registry export files
--Added the following entries to the base English language file:
--Changed the importing of registry files to use a threaded model (New progress dialog)
--Changed the importing of INI files to use a threaded model (New progress dialog)
--Changed the importing of messages files to use a threaded model (New progress dialog)
--Changed the importing of Files and Folder to use a threaded model (New progress dialog)
--Changed exception message when checking the script for null caracters to a message box
--Fixed issue with the File Property dialog adding a \ infront of files without a valid path
--Fixed minor issue when importing DWORD values from an exported registry file
--Fixed issue with the IconIndex not being correctly written to the script for an [Icon] entry
--Fixed issues when writing a script section that used the SpanSymbol to spilt a single line over multiple
--Fixed issues when setting a Property dialogs Languages, Components & Tasks to use the manual entry value
--Fixed issue with persistance of large toolbar icons setting between application starts
--Fixed issue where the Compiled Exe location would be cleared to early in the compile process
--Fixed issues when writing an enpty code section to the Inno script
--Fixed issue when importing files or folders in to the [FILES] section. The correct path was not added to the item
--Fixed issue with the email field not correctly being added to a Mantis report
--Fixed exception being raised when trying to move cursor to show the error line
--Fixed exception when opening the Project dialog and multiple uninstall icons entries were in the [SETUP] section
--Fixed issue with the Exclude edit not being correctly disabled in the File property sheet
--Removed Friendly Flags due to issues being reported
It includes Inno Setup and an option to install the Script Studio editor.